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Fat Dissolving injectoins 

Fat dissolving injections are used to target stubborn areas of fat that are hard to shift. Prices shown are based on area size and may vary person to person. A small area for one person may be a medium area for another. If you are unsure what size area to book please contact us or book a consultation. A numbing agent is mixed into the solution to make the treatment more comfortable.


It's important to understand that this is not a weight loss treatment and is only designed to target stubborn pockets of fat. Multiple sessions are required to reach your desired goal (on average 3-5) and results are as good as permanent as long as you stay a stable weight. results get better and more dramatic after each session due to there being less fat to dissolve each time.


There are certain health conditions that can mean that you will not be eligible for the treatment. If you are unsure or want more information please book a free consultation. After the treatment it is crucial that you follow the aftercare instructions given to ensure a smooth healing process. After the treatment there will be prominent swelling to the area, this can last for 5-14 days. it's not uncommon to have some numbness or pins and needles in the treated area after treatment, this will not last and will rectify itself.


A small area could be under the chin or 'double chin' as its more commonly known as. A medium area could be 'bingo wings', bra bulge or love handles. A large area could be stomach or love handles. If you are unsure what size area to book please contact us first or book a consultation.

Small Area  course of 3 treatments £250

medium area  course of 3 treatments £400

Large area  course of 3 treatments £500


Some popular treatment areas are...

Some examples of our clients results. Please note some photo may show old branding.
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